31 Songs of Halloween 2017, Day 12

I know it's sacrilege in certain circles, but I'm not the biggest fan of Stephen King's work. Though of course I recognize and respect his importance to the genre and the resurgence/transformation it saw with his rise in popularity. (And I do enjoy adaptations of several of his books.) One thing I AM a big fan of though, is The Ramones. This track is something of a collaboration between the two, supposedly partly written in Stephen King's basement in an evening by Dee Dee Ramone. It of course featured in the Pet Semetary film adaptation's soundtrack. I remember thinking the movie was alright but I've not seen it in decades.

The song is interesting to contrast with the harder-hitting style of fellow punk pioneers Misfits, who usually speak from the point of view of the "monster" if you will, while this song is told from the point of view of a fearful potential victim. Leading to a more subtle, mournful and pleading quality. Definitely a sad song, but one appropriate for your more sombre moods while you watch the leaves fall.
